Monday, March 24, 2008

Apologies and Salutations....

First and foremost, apologies to you my loyal readers. Last week was STRESSFUL. I started a new job with about 10 times the responsibility I am used to, which is a very good thing and then got my first cold of the winter, right on the last day of winter – how cute! I was bed ridden until Sunday and then my ass was looking for a new pair of jeans, so you were all a bit lost in the shuffle. As I attempt to invest more time in this site, I find it harder to actually write anything. It’s easier nowadays to get overwhelmed with everything out there. I am looking to streamline the site, make it more reader friendly and much more participatory for the readers. I want to make sure I am bringing new and updated content and not just regurgitating information that ten other blogs have done. In the next month, you will be seeing some much needed updates and format changes and we all hope that this is for the better. I am constantly finding myself needing a change with this site to make sure everyone is getting something out of it. As I mentioned earlier this year, I am bored to death with some of the celebrity chatter that is going on nowadays and apparently, I am apparently not the only one who doesn’t get where this gossip nonsense is going. Don’t get me wrong…I watch reality TV, I know pretty much all there is to know about Lohan and find it interesting when Courtney Love does something ridiculous, but all in all, haven’t we moved way past that to creating celebrities just to talk about them? I don’t know if everyone is feeling me here and I am sure the next big juicy story will make me salivate and jump all over these fools, but right now I am wanting to find out more about the new movies, books, tv shows, etc and not so much what the hell Heidi and Spencer did on their Easter break. Ironically, this weekend marked the death of 4,000 US soldiers in the Iraq war, so I understand why we are continuing to dumb down the news with Britney Watch!, but come on.

The Spielster will be updating with brand new content, whatever it may be, later today…..THANKS!

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