Tuesday, July 24, 2007



Both of her bloodsuckers parents have released statements. And Daddy Lohan has spoken with literally all gossip/tabloid media to give "his side of the story". He will be on Larry King Live tonight at 9pm on CNN.

Also, she is looking at possibly a year to three in jail for these charges - if convicted. Read more about it at TMZ, which is having a field day covering this. They are also reporting that her assistant Jenni Muro was not involved in the chase incident of last night which led to Lohan being pulled over and then arrested. No word on why she was chasing a car at 2:15 AM while high as a kite and driving on a suspended license as of yet.

At this point, she needs to get clean or she is going to lose everything.

MORE UPDATES TO COME...and productivity in offices to decline...