Monday, July 2, 2007

Happy 21st Lohan!

First things first, I have just moved so expect posts to be sporadic and once daily. Second, they will be packed full of tidbits, gossip and exclusives so while there will be few, they will be quality.

And lastly, let's all wish Ms. Lohan a happy birthday today since the freckled faced star is celebrating her 21st year here. Hopefully there will be no alcoholic toast for her, but a more mindful celebration. We wish the best for her and hope she enjoys the beautiful weather in LA today. And we hope both her parents stay the hell away from her for awhile so this girl can start deciding who SHE wants to be.

And speaking of Lilo...I will be doing a weekly piece on the trials, tribulations and the rise of young Hollywood today starting with Ms. Lohan. This weekly diatribe will begin next week - Wednesday, July 11th - when regular publishing capabilities will be in effect once again and my life will not be in cardboard boxes strewn around a freshly painted apartment. What I will be trying to accomplish with these stories is the background and events that make a young star a star nowadays. Here are the Spielster, we are looking to get more focused in our posts since rambling on about TMZ daily entries hasn't been fulfilling the journalist inside.