Friday, June 6, 2008

Choke - Putting Anal Beads to Good Use....

So I have been extremely excited for the big screen version of one my favorite novels ever “Choke” by author Chuck Palahniuk. Sam Rockwell is starring in the adaptation written and directed by Clark Gregg and produced by Fox Searchlight Pictures. The film is about Victor Mancini (Rockwell), a sex addict who works at a Colonial Williamsburg reenactment theme park after he had dropped out of medical school. Victor finds himself, after a freak encounter, fake choking at restaurants to allow people to “save him”, which indirectly lets them bond with him and triggers something in their lives. He gets off on it because of the assistance provided by his wealthy “saviors”. Anjelica Huston also stars as Victor’s mentally ailing mother who lives in a psychiatric facility and Kelly MacDonald, from No Country for Old Men and Trainspotting, rounds out the case as Huston’s attending physician. The movie follows Mancini’s relationship with his mother, his various sexual exploits, which usually occur in the bathroom during a Sex Addicts anonymous bathroom and his trip to find out who his true father is. Rockwell knocked this character out of the park and after viewing the trailer, I am even more excited for its release.

The movie did well with critics and audiences at this year’s Sundance Film Festival and will be released in theaters statewide after its opening at the New York Film Festival on September 26th later this year. Here is the link to the trailer over at MTV. And don't worry publicists in Hollywood, those cheeky and apparently cheap anal beads you just got in the mail doesn't mean the world thinks you are kinky. Its simply the publicity ploy Fox Sarchlight is using to spread the word and the cheeks apparently, for its upcoming release. Man I could have gone so many wrong places with that one. Something tells me that Fox Searchlight is really trying hard to keeps its indie cred.