Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Whose on Top? Not America's Next Top Model!

Ugh…I think I have to admit that the golden age of reality programs is DEAD! Well, at least America’s Next Top Model is. This show used to be AMAZING, with drama between the models, actual competitions that would show off if someone could be a model and important guests who would stop by to be guest judges all the time. Sadly, this is no longer the case and that could not be anymore evident after this shitty season. The girls this go-around were boring with a capital SNOOZE! They also had probably the least amount of skills to obtain a lucrative position within the modeling world of any previous cycle. Anywhos, McKey won the title that means about as much as winning a Barbizon contest nowadays.

And I am not sure if the trip overseas to Amsterdam was the best idea to regain some footing within the fashion world. That being said, last night’s finale was the worst of any season because it was boring, the critiques were pointless and the girl who should have won was already kicked off. The fact that Sam got into the final two was beyond silly, given that EVERY WEEK she was told that she didn’t come across as a model. Even when she was told she was in the final two, Tyra was still giving her notes on her look. Really? And Analeigh, who given the final three should have won, was told that she was likable, commercial ready, as well as good in editorial, was kicked off for a non-existing reason. Don’t worry Analeigh, CW producers were watching and you will most likely be asked to join the cast of some tween sensation soon enough. McKey, was about as personality bare as possible and could not have been less like a Cover Girl, but she still won. While I think her editorial photographs are beautiful, I am not sure how anyone would know what she was capable of if they met her in person. Anyways, she won after a piss poor runway show and someone had to wake me up from my sleep to let me know this boring chick won. Tyra better recognize the deficit that this show has gone through the past few cycles and pick some stellar girls next go around and bring them to something actually fashionable – say Paris or Milan. If not, this show will self-destruct. Unless that’s what Ms. Oprah 2.0 wants?

In other Tyra Banks news, the supermodel cum Oprah 2.0 had the kicked off contestants from this past cycle on her syndicated talk show earlier in the week. She brought on some of the ladies to discuss some of the major issues within the house, most notably the unfavorable attacks on Isis, the first transgender contestant in the program’s history. See, I like how Tyra thought she would be doing something brave by bringing in Isis to the house and have her compete, but didn’t she realize that when she picks idiots from across the nation to fill the rest of the house, unity isn’t going to be a very easy thing? But props to Tyra for one, offering to pay for Isis sexual reassignment surgery, two, bringing on her mother to discuss the issue or her daughter being a transgender and finally, calling out hypocrite and wench Clarke for hating on Isis. See Clarke is a wench, much like Ann Coulter is and by that I mean she sucks! She throws around hateful words, believes she is better than everyone, does things that go against everything she says she is about, like making out with another girl just for the hell of it, but being anti-gay, and then says Jesus about twenty times to make it all okay. Here is Tyra dishing her just some of what she deserves.