The Sheriff says Paris has real problems... I would say so. I mean the girl is in jail, that's a big problem right there. But apparently they are leaking that Paris has a major case of claustrophobia so jail time is literally making her crazy. Could also be the stick up his ass judge who didn't want to look stupid. Oh and Ann Coulter agrees with me that she Paris is being treated unfairly so hell is about to freeze over people. When me Ann and I are on the same side of the fence - its a scary day!
Oh right I forgot there was other stuff happening today...
Christina with child??? Christina Aguilera and hubby Jordan Bratman visited a doctor's office which specializes in maternal medicine here in NYC earlier today. She probably thought today would be a great time cause all the paparazzi would be in LA for Parisgate. But wrong. Apparently someone ain't so dirrrtttyy no more. President Bush seen drinking beers and having fun....Well the White House says it was a non-alcoholic beer, seeing that Bush is apparently clean and sober. But that Chancellor seems to have a real effect on him. And you know the Germans and beer.
And finally, this is what home schooling brings you. The newest Spelling Bee champ being overtly rude to someone 20 years older then him. Yeah great you can spell kid, but its gonna be a lifetime until you get laid and lets face it that's what really counts. Sorry anchor lady.
Spelling Bee Winner
Posted Jun 05, 2007This is why you don't homeschool your children.
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