Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wanda Sykes "Comes Out"....

In other TV funny lady news, Wanda Sykes, co-star of The New Adventures of Old Christine and Curb Your Enthusiasm, “came out” this past weekend at a rally for gay marriage in Las Vegas. The comedian announced that she had recently married her long term girlfriend, just days before Proposition 8 was passed in California, banning gay marriage. Sykes had never gone on the record before in regards to her sexual orientation because she didn’t feel the need to, but after the passing of Prop 8 she felt “pissed off”. The comedian said that she was hoping that the ban on gay marriage in California will now lead to work and progress that would make it legal in all 50 states. She also said “I am proud to be a woman. I’m proud to be a black woman and I’m proud to be gay”, later in her speech. Sykes, who is a well known comedian and co-star on a popular comedy program, is just another celebrity who has made the decision to live her life out in the open and for that we couldn’t be prouder. Not to say that I think everyone should “come out”, but this takes strength and hopefully will bring further awareness to the public.

This rally is just another in many that have been happening across the country in protest of the passing of Prop 8. For more coverage, please check out Queerty’s Tireless Coverage.

Here is a snippet of Wanda Sykes’ speech at the Las Vegas rally this past weekend.