Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain takes NINE DAYS to Realize Economy In Shambles...

Oh really? Really? Today is the day you decide that the looming financial crisis is too much to bare that you want to cancel the debate for this Friday Sen. McCain? Just last Monday the fundamentals of our "economy were strong" and then later in the week you decided that it was a catastrophy. Really McCain, I thought the economy was just another issues American's didn't care about? But honestly Senator now that the polls have you down by double digits in regards to the economy and leadership, you know the thing all your talking heads were whining about this morning when they were done worrying about the decline of the economy. Oh and lets not forget that one of your campaign managers, Rick Davis was paid nearly $2 million dollars by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac up until LAST MONTH. And Davis was being paid to make sure YOU were more lenient on regulation. Remember you and your hate of regulation? Oh come on. If I haven't forgotten and neither have countless others, surely you can remember how you were opposed to regulation in the past. But I guess that's just another flip-flop for you.

So let's discuss the fact that you believe now, two days before the first debate, when your poll numbers are in the gutter and the American people are TERRIFIED of continuing on the losing track your party set up for us, you decide you want to postpone the debates? Why not two days ago? Oh right, you and your insane lack of economics will swoop into DC and save the taxpayers and Americans the burden of a $700 BILLION buyout courtesy of big business and the Republicans? The gall of the Republicans will never seem to amaze me. This is another slap and tickle act from the party who created the disaster. Yesterday was not a disaster though and the fact that McCain has not voted on anything since April of this year should not shock you. The fact that the President, who only a few weeks ago continued to declare our economy strong and on the mend, is now screaming crisis, scares me even more. The bill that he wants our representatives to sign, right before an election and a congressional break, is eerily timed as to when they were requested in 2002 to sign off on the invasion of Iraq. Because when a Republican is down in the polls there is nothing they like more than a disaster. This go around at least it's not a terrorist attack but merely the U.S. falling further and further into 3rd class status. Sadly Obama will have to just go along with this notion that McCain somehow could even fix this crisis to avoid the mass hysteria of morons who vote against their wallets and best interest every go around. So how does one fix something that it took them years to realize was broken? I guess the same way it took us about five years to realize a memo regarding national security was important. But somehow, as always, the Republicans will do their very best as to blame Democrats for everything. Isn't leadership about responsibility and accountability or does that only matter when you are getting blow jobs from interns while your country flourishes? Instead of NOT POLITICKING on this important issue, McCain did just that by blindsiding Obama into the debate cancellation and used this to steal the media spotlight - once again! Senator Obama and McCain will meet tomorrow in Washington, DC with other politicians and President Bush to try and begin fixing the economic hot mess we are in, but who knows what other disasters are on the way in the next 40 DAYS for us to ponder before going into a voting booth on November 4th? The "stop world and let me off" rhetoric from the McCain camp today is beyond bogus and insulting. President's can't manage to prep for debates and solve financial crisis at the same time? Well if you can't, you can not have the Presidency - its that simple. For now, the debate is still on for this Friday, who shows up is a better question.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. It's scary how fast the Republicans will try and trick you into believing everything is a disaster when they are grasping at straws.

Obama/Biden '08!

Anonymous said...

In general I agree, but you referenced $700 trillion instead of $700 billion.

Danielle Johnsen said...

Thanks Laura! I have updated the post to reflect the correct amount of money!

And thanks for stopping by!!!