Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin - Simply put RIP.....

As you all may know, George Carlin, genius comedian and social commenter, passed away this weekend at 71 from heart failure. To say that Carlin was an original, pioneer and bright shining light in a world of sheeps, would be an understatement. The man who became famous for his ”Seven Dirty Words” act act will be remembered for his tenacity to holler at those who were not smart enough to find truth for themselves. His rants on free speech, feminism, anti-religion sentiments and the government were not only witty, but were intelligently researched and performed, making him a hero to many. Carlin was also the kind of comedian and pop culture icon that could give a crap about his image and would never worry about being the butt of the joke. A job was a job and a joke was a joke to George. He would not want us going on and on about how sad it is to lose him, but he would prefer for us to laugh it off and grill some freaky Catholic. Without Carlin and his routines, Bill Maher, Dennis Miller and Lewis Black, among others, would not have been able to so easily move into the arena of political comedians. And without him, Bill and Ted would have not been such a great flick.

Here is George Carlin going off on religion. RIP……