Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I'm a bad bad blogger...

With this past weekend's weather and lack of cool information within the entertainment arena, I have stepped back from my daily duties of blogging and enjoyed a long weekend at the beach. I am now back in NYC and still bored to tears with the news in H-wood, but a writer's dilemma is to write about things when nothing is really happening.

So to start off, I would like to thank Nouvelle Vague and their cover of "Bela Lugosi's Dead" with me winning today on Jonesy's Jukebox on Indie 103.1.

All this week Steve Jones is running a contest to join the man in Hawaii for a week of broadcasting fun. I am now entered into that prize option and might possibly be chilling with one of the raddest dudes to ever touch down in LA LA land. Listen to Mr. Jones from 12PM - 2PM PST every weekday on 103.1 or listen online. I make sure to check out the show everyday from my computer all the way in NYC. Wish me luck!